House Republicans serving on the impeachment inquiry investigative committees said they are planning to call Hunter Biden and the whistleblower as witnesses to testify in the impending public hearings, according to a Saturday report from Fox News.

The conservative news site obtained a letter written by Rep. Devin Nunes in which the House Intelligence Committee’s Ranking Member listed the names of GOP’s proposed witnesses and lambasting the impeachment process against President Donald Trump.

“Americans see through this sham impeachment process, despite the Democrats’ efforts to retroactively legitimize it last week,” Nunes wrote in a letter to Intel Committee Chairman Adam Schiff  Saturday, apparently a reference to House Democrats’ recent approval of a resolution governing the rules for the public impeachment hearings, set to begin next week. Under the resolution, Chairman Schiff is charged with approving proposed witnesses.

“To provide transparency to your otherwise opaque and unfair process, and after consultation with [House Oversight Committee] Ranking Member Jim Jordan and [House Foreign Affairs Committee] Ranking Member Michael McCaul, the American people deserve to hear from the following witnesses in an open setting,” he wrote.

According to the report, the first witness House Republicans want to hear from is Hunter Biden, the son of former Vice President Joe Biden, and the whistleblower who filed the initial complaint that led to the impeachment inquiry against President Trump. To this point there has been no evidence that Hunter Biden engaged in any unlawful behavior and the whistleblower’s initial claims have already been corroborated by multiple government officials testifying under oath.

“Because President Trump should be afforded an opportunity to confront his accusers, the anonymous whistleblower should testify,” Nunes wrote. “Moreover, given the multiple discrepancies between the whistleblower’s complaint and the closed-door testimony of the witnesses, it is imperative that the American people hear definitively how the whistleblower developed his or her information, and who else the whistleblower may have fed the information he or she gathered and how that treatment of classified information may have led to the false narrative being perpetrated by the Democrats during this process.”

Nunes said Republicans are also planning to call Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s former business partner as a witness to testify about “the nature and extent of Ukraine’s pervasive corruption information that bears directly on President Trump’s longstanding and deeply-held skepticism of the country.”

[Image via Drew Angerer/Getty Images]