Embattled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh reportedly has calendars from 1982 in his possession that he plans on giving to the Senate Judiciary Committee as persuasive evidence that he could not have been at the party where Dr. Christine Blasey Ford alleged he drunkenly attempted to sexually assault her.

The New York Times reported Sunday that Kavanaugh’s team has acknowledged that the calendars do not in themselves disprove the allegations because he could have gone to a party that wasn’t logged in said calendars. Nonetheless, they contend that the calendars do show that Kavanaugh spent “much of the summer” of 1982 “at the beach or away with his parents,” the Times said.

When Kavanaugh wasn’t out of town, calendar entries include details about his sports obligations, collegiate interviews and even some parties he attended.

It is notable that in the context of these parties, friends are named and these friends are “other than those identified by Dr. Blasey.” She has said that Mark Judge, for instance, witnessed the alleged attempted assault. Judge is mentioned in the calendar — Kavanaugh wrote “Go to Judge’s” on July 28.

Ford also named Patrick J. Smyth and Leland Keyser as having been at the party in question, but these names apparently weren’t logged in the calendar either. All three people have denied that they witnessed or remembered the incident Ford recalls. The calendars do not indicate that Kavanaugh knew or met his accuser.

Beyond this, the Times reports that Kavanaugh does not plan on questioning Ford’s credibility or her account that she was assaulted, but will maintain he was not the one who committed the alleged assault.

The calendars appear to be fairly detailed, per the Times:

The calendar pages are one-month pages with each day in a small box. Unusual for a teenager, Judge Kavanaugh seemed to keep track of his days even during summer vacation. The pages show typical teenage activities from the era, including “beach week” after the end of the school year and nights at the theater to see “Grease II,” “Rocky III” and “Poltergeist” with friends.

There has been pushback, however, as to whether these calendars are to be trusted as a complete record of his activities.

Kavanaugh and witnesses named by Ford have all denied knowledge or memory of the alleged incident. Both Kavanaugh and Ford are expected to testify this week before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Late Sunday, in case you missed it, a second woman identified as Deborah Ramirez came forward to say that Kavanaugh committed sexual misconduct while at Yale.

[Image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images]