Harvey Weinstein

The two ex-wives of convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein got judges to freeze almost $6 million of his assets, according to ABC News. The news outlet cited records and three sources. The development happened back in April, but is newly reported.

This happened at a problematic time for the disgraced movie mogul. Sources close to him said it undermined his appeals of conviction for rape and sexual assault in Manhattan, and his pending defense of similar charges in Los Angeles.

“He doesn’t have the money to file an appeal,” a source told the outlet. “He can’t spend anything without his ex-wives’ approval.”

Weinstein spox Juda Engelmayer declined to speak about the divorce settlements involving his client’s ex-wives Georgina Chapman and Eve Chilton. Nonetheless, he told ABC that Weinstein was working on keeping a positive attitude.

One of the sources for ABC downplayed the development as a “negotiating tactic” between parents who share children. It will be worked out, this person said.

Weinstein was found guilty last February of criminal sexual act in the first degree against former production assistant Mimi Haleyi, and rape in the third degree against actress Jessica Mann. The defendant was a manipulator and abuser of women, who used his considerable professional leverage against his victims, prosecutors said. He was sentenced to 23 years in prison.

Weinstein’s representatives continue to maintain his innocence. They maintained that the encounters were consensual, and that he was a flawed person who cheated on his wife (Chapman).

The defendant faces a pending criminal case out in Los Angeles County, California. He raped or sexually assaulted three women in area hotel rooms in 2010 and 2013, prosecutors said.

[Image via JOHANNES EISELE_AFP via Getty Images]