Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-New York, 21st District) criticized House Intelligence Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-California, 28th District) because he stopped her from speaking at the impeachment hearings on Friday, but conservative attorney George Conway shut down her criticism. He said the rules would let her and other members of Congress speak later.

“You pulled a stunt to gaslight the public,” Conway wrote.

As seen on video, Stefanik tried to ask former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch questions, but Schiff cut her off.

“The gentlewoman will suspend,” he said, gaveling. “You’re not recognized.”

Stefanik said this was the fifth time Schiff interrupted “duly elected members of Congress.”

Ranking member Rep. Devin Nunes (R-California, 22nd District) took Stefanik’s side, saying Republicans controlled the time, and that they can yield it to whomever they wished. Stefanik suggested online that she wasn’t allowed to speak because she was a Republican. Conway directly addressed and debunked the claim.

“Nonsense,” he said. “You went to Harvard. You can read.”

As Law&Crime pointed out before, the impeachment inquiry doesn’t follow the normal set of rules.

“Only the chair and ranking minority member, or [an Intelligence Committee] employee if yielded to by the chair or ranking minority member, may question witnesses during such periods of questioning,” stated House Resolution 660.

That means the following: Chairman Schiff could make his opening statement and question the witness, then yield to House Democrats’ counsel Daniel Goldman for questioning; Ranking Member Nunes could make his opening statement and question the witness, then yield to House GOP counsel Steve Castor for questioning. After the brief Stefanik controversy played out, Nunes yielded to Castor and Castor questioned the witness. The impeachment inquiry rules say committee members, like Stefanik, can ask their questions later on.

“At the conclusion of questioning pursuant to this paragraph, the committee shall proceed with questioning under the five-minute rule pursuant to clause 2(j)(2)(A) of rule XI,” HR 660 says.

Colin Kalmbacher contributed to this report.

[Screengrab via Fox News]