Bill Clinton spent time on Jeffrey Epstein’s infamous island in the Caribbean, according to the dead pedophile’s onetime information technology (IT) contractor.

According to The Sun, Steve Scully will dish on the former president’s longstanding friendship with the late financier in the upcoming Netflix documentary series, Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich, which will be available to stream starting this Wednesday.

“I was there for maintenance on Jeffrey Epstein’s telecommunications and data equipment,” he says in the documentary, according to CBS News. “I was on the island probably 100 times. I was ultimately in every single building.”

Scully claims that he saw Clinton lounging around the porch area of the Little Saint James villa–where Epstein is widely believed to have serially sexually abused women and young girls. Notably, Scully reportedly did not suggest Clinton engaged in wrongdoing.

The former president’s camp vehemently denied the allegation that Clinton visited the island.

“This was a lie the first time it was told, and it isn’t true today, no matter how many times it’s repeated,” Clinton spokesperson Angel Ureña told Law&Crime in an email.

Ureña previously denied that Clinton ever visited the island in question or that the former president was even aware of Epstein’s alleged international child sex trafficking ring.

“President Clinton knows nothing about the terrible crimes Jeffrey Epstein pleaded guilty to in Florida some years ago, or those with which he has been recently charged in New York,” he tweeted after Epstein was arrested by New York authorities last summer.

Ureña’s 2019 statement also claimed that Clinton “took a total of four trips on Jeffrey Epstein’s airplane.” Flight logs originally obtained by Gawker, however, suggesting that Clinton took at least 11 trips aboard the so-called Lolita Express. Additional flight records later obtained by Fox News pegged that number substantially higher–suggesting the former president took at least 26 trips on the plane.

“He’s not spoken to Epstein in well over a decade, and has never been to Little St. James Island, Epstein’s ranch in New Mexico, or his residence in Florida,” the statement went on.

Scully is the second person to place Clinton on the pedophile’s island.

Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who says that she was Epstein’s former sex slave, claims to have seen Clinton on the island during a dinner party with alleged groomer Ghislaine Maxwell, as well as Maxwell’s own alleged sex slave or “assistant” Emmy Taylor and two women visiting from New York.

“Strolling into the darkness with two beautiful girls around either arm,” Giuffre wrote in her memoir, “Bill seemed content to retire for the evening.”

“I’d never met them before,” Giuffre told The Daily Mail‘s Sharon Churcher in 2011. “I’d say they were no older than 17, very innocent-looking. They weren’t there for me. They weren’t there for Jeffrey or Ghislaine because I was there to have sex with Jeffrey on the trip. Maybe Jeffrey thought they would entertain Bill, but I saw no evidence that he was interested in them.”

“He and Jeffrey and Ghislaine seemed to have a very good relationship,” she continued. “Bill was very funny. He made me laugh a few times. And he and Jeffrey and Ghislaine told blokey jokes and the brunettes listened politely and giggled. After dinner I gave Jeffrey an erotic massage. I don’t remember seeing Bill again on the trip but I assume Ghislaine flew him back.”

During that same interview, Giuffre expressed confidence that Clinton knew what Epstein was all about.

“Bill must have known about Jeffrey’s girls,” she insisted. “There were three desks in the living area of the villa on the island. They were covered with pictures of Jeffrey shaking hands with famous people and photos of naked girls, including one of me that Jeffrey had at all his houses, lying in a hammock.”

At least one aspect of that 2011 interview, however, has since been disputed.

In the original Daily Mail story, Churcher cites Giuffre as saying that she “flew to the Caribbean with Jeffrey and then Ghislaine Maxwell went to pick up Bill in a huge black helicopter that Jeffrey had bought her.”

Giuffre clarified in a 2016 deposition that she only heard about the black helicopter story second-hand from Maxwell.

“I said to Sharon that Ghislaine told me that she flew Bill in the heli–the black helicopter that Jeffrey bought her, and I just wanted to clarify that I didn’t actually see her do that,” Giuffre told an attorney when asked if anything in the interview was not true. “I heard from Ghislaine that she did that.”

This isn’t the first time Scully has spoken out about his past work for Epstein.

“There were photos of topless women everywhere,” he told ABC News last year. “On his desk, in his office, in his bedroom.”

Those images–along with clusters of unsupervised young women–prompted his eventual departure, the IT contractor claimed, noting that he began working on the island in 1999 after being hired to set up a communications network because Epstein “never wanted a call to drop” due to the sensitive and high-dollar nature of his business.

The forthcoming documentary is the first instance in which he has tied Clinton to his former boss.

“You tell yourself that you didn’t know for sure and you never really saw anything, but that’s all just rationalization,” Scully reportedly told the Netflix documentarian. “Jeffrey Epstein, he was a guy who concealed his deviance very well–but he didn’t conceal it that well.”

[Epstein photo via mugshot, Clinton Photo via Bryan R Smith/Getty Images]