Yesterday saw a bombshell report accusing singer R. Kelly of keeping young women at his homes in a “cult”-like environment where he controls minute details of their lives while enjoying sexual relationships with them. All this, allegedly under the guise of offering guidance in their music careers. After the report came out, a representative for Kelly, 50, said that the singer denies the allegations and “will work diligently and forcibly to pursue his accusers and clear his name.” Now, the father of one of the women has a message for R. Kelly: Bring it.

In a video posted by TMZ Tuesday morning, Tim Savage addressed Kelly’s threat, saying, “File the lawsuit! If that’s what you want to do, I’ll see you in court. File it!” He closed with a message to his daughter, Joycelyn, saying, “I’m praying for you, baby.”

Savage also addressed a video that Joycelyn released after the initial BuzzFeed News report came out. In the video, which can be seen below, the woman said that she is happy and not being brainwashed or held hostage. A startling moment in the video came at the end, when a man off-camera asked where she is currently located and if she’s free to go. She refused to answer. Mr. Savage said in his message, “You know the reason why Miss Joycelyn Savage didn’t tell you where her location is? She’s not allowed to tell you her location.”

[Image via TMZ screengrab]