On Saturday, former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos got into a spat with two national security lawyers. It all started, as many things do, with James Comey.

The former FBI director didn’t want to to privately testify before Congress because of concerns of “selective leaking and distortion.” Papadopoulos, who is scheduled to begin a 14-day prison sentence on Monday after pleading guilty to lying to the FBI, criticized the statement.

Then national security lawyer Bradley P. Moss came in for this bit of drive-by tweeting.

Cue spat.

“Are you the errand boy who is supposed to be filing FOIAs?” wrote Papadopoulos in response. “Continue.”

Then in comes Moss’ boss, national security lawyer Mark S. Zaid. He takes a shot at Papadopoulos Moss.

“The errand boys do that, Mark,” Papadopoulos said. “Like yourself and Brad. Two insignificant lawyers with no insight whatsoever into the biggest political case in modern history. But you do you and keep chirping on MSNBC. We do need those foias filed though. Thanks, guys.”

Zaid responded with six laughing emojis.

“Wow, serious heat George. Ouch,” he wrote. “Fortunately those clients I’ve rep’d before the Special Counsel have been witnesses rather than criminals. Enjoy Monday!”

[Image via MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images]