The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit has issued a mandate unsealing a huge cache of documents related to billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. The selection of documents, taken from Virginia Giuffre‘s defamation lawsuit against alleged Epstein enabler Ghislaine Maxwell, provides context to much of Epstein’s alleged crimes and widens the scope of elites that are believed to have run in Epstein’s circles. The documents also allege that Maxwell took a nude photo of Giuffre lying on a hammock and gave the photo to Epstein on his birthday.

In transcripts of Giuffre’s deposition released by the court Friday, Bill Clinton‘s relationship with Epstein is expounded upon. Giuffre alleges that Clinton was around when she was with Epstein on his island.

Giuffre claims that she “flew to the Caribbean” with Epstein when she was 17, and that while she was there, Maxwell bragged that she picked Clinton up in a “black helicopter that Jeffrey [Epstein] bought her.”

Giuffre further says that she had spent time with Clinton and that while his secret service agents were there, they weren’t “where [everyone] was eating.”

Much of the deposition involves questions to Giuffe by Maxwell’s lawyer, Laura A. Menninger, as to whether an article or articles written by journalist Sharon Churcher about Giuffe, Epstein, and Maxwell were true.  Regarding Clinton riding in Maxwell’s helicopter with his secret service retinue, Giuffre claimed she could not remember exactly what she told Churcher, but that she recalled Maxwell talking about it.

But even Giuffe wasn’t sure whether to believe all of what she says she heard from Maxwell:  “I heard a lot of things from Ghislaine that sounded too true — too outrageous to be true, but you never knew what to believe,” the deposition reads.

While the details of the alleged helicopter trip were, thus, unclear, Giuffre’s other statements in the deposition, if true, confirm Bill Clinton was on Jeffrey Epstein’s island while underage girls were present. This runs contradictory to Clinton’s claims that he has never been to Jeffrey Epstein’s private island.

Not all of the deposition was released and what was released provides no additional detail about why Clinton was purportedly on the island or what he did while purportedly there.  At no point does the deposition say Clinton engaged in sexual conduct with anyone. In her own deposition, Ghislaine Maxwell says that Giuffre’s claim that Maxwell spent time with Clinton on Epstein’s island is a “flat out total fabrication and lie.” She also says she couldn’t categorize Epstein and Clinton’s relationship and when asked about Giuffre, she claims to “barely remember her at all.”

Giuffre said in the deposition that she went to the island because Epstein wanted her to “entertain” a “friend”:

Q:  Do you recall Jeffrey Epstein saying to you, “I’ve got a good friend and I need you to fly to the island to entertain him, massage him and make him feel how you make me feel”?A:  I do remember him saying that, and I think that’s more of a generalization for all the times that I was sent to the island to entertain people.

Giuffre also said in the deposition that she met former Vice President Al Gore and models Heidi Klum and Naomi Campbell through her ordeal with Maxwell and Epstein, but it is unclear from the deposition where the meetings occurred or what interactions took place.

According to the deposition, Giuffre was between the ages of 15 and 17 when she met Epstein at Donald Trump‘s Mar-a-Lago, where her father worked at the time. She also claims that she was a teen sex slave and that she had sex with Prince Andrew of the British royal family.



Giuffre Deposition by Law&Crime on Scribd



[Epstein photo via mugshot, Clinton Photo via Bryan R Smith/Getty Images]