Former Vice President Joe Biden, a declared Democratic presidential candidate for the 2020 election, called for President Donald Trump’s impeachment for the first time on Wednesday. Biden, speaking in New Hampshire, that Trump deserves to be impeached not just for what he has done, but for what he might yet do.

Biden said “We all laughed when [Trump] said he could stand on the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone and get away it.” Now, per Biden, “It’s no joke” because the president is “shooting holes in the Constitution.”

“Donald Trump has violated his oath of office, betrayed this nation and committed impeachable acts. He should be impeached,” Biden said, adding that the president has “indicted himself by obstructing justice, refusing to comply with a congressional inquiry … he’s already convicted himself.”

President Trump, as you surely know by now, asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky over the phone to investigate Biden and his son Hunter Biden. A whistleblower complaint alleged that this was an attempt to solicit foreign interference in the 2020 election, sparking Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to back an impeachment inquiry. The hold-up of congressionally-approved military aid, the text messages of U.S. diplomats, and the White House’s letter decrying the impeachment inquiryamong other things — have only heightened scrutiny.

The president promptly responded to “Sleepy Joe” Biden’s statement.

“I did nothing wrong,” Trump said via Twitter. “Joe’s Failing Campaign gave him no other choice!”

[Image via SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images]