Federal prosecutors are reportedly speaking with victims of billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and asking them if his alleged crimes crossed state lines.

Spencer Kuvin, an attorney for three women, said that he spoke with an assistant U.S. Attorney. The U.S. Attorney appeared to focus on what Epstein’s victims want the government to do and whether Epstein’s alleged actions constitute federal crimes.

“I think they’re asking it, because as a federal prosecutor you want to know whether this is a potential federal crime or state crime,” Kuvin told The Daily Beast in a new report. “If they determined that it did [cross state lines], they have potential for prosecuting it.”

Epstein’s attorneys declined to comment in that story. He got a remarkably beneficial deal when he pleaded guilty in a Florida court in 2008 to solicitation of prostitution and procurement of minors for prostitution.

It turned out that this was part of a secret sweetheart deal with then-U.S. Attorney (current labor secretary) Alexander Acosta, according to a bombshell Miami Herald report. Victims were kept in the dark about the agreement and alleged co-conspirators were given immunity. Epstein served 13 months, but he was able to do a work release program six days a week, even though sex offenders didn’t qualify for that.

This deal barely reflected the extent of the alleged wrongdoing. At the time, the Herald said they found about 80 women who claimed to have been sexually abused by Epstein from 2001 to 2006. The defendant allegedly committed abuse at his homes in Florida, New York City, New Mexico, and the Caribbean. A judge determined that the agreement violated federal law.

Kuvin would go on to say that if Epstein can’t be charged federally, one client a) wants the entire Epstein file to go public and b) wants Acosta to “step down.”

[Mugshot via Florida Department of Law Enforcement]