Everyone poops, even accused killers. The preliminary hearing of Robert Durst, the 75-year-old millionaire real estate heir charged in the 2000 murder of friend Susan Berman, was briefly postponed Monday because the defendant reportedly needed adult diapers. He suffered from incontinence, and also required help to fix his hearing aid, according to a source in the New York Daily News.

The outlet mentioned that someone on his defense team brought a CVS bag into the Los Angeles Superior Court after Judge Mark Windham called recess.

“There’s nothing to say, really,” Durst defense lawyer Dick DeGuerin told the Daily News.

Crappy news aside, this ongoing hearing is going to be huge for both sides. Court could last for two weeks, as prosecutors attempt to show that the available evidence justifies a trial. The state argues that Durst killed Berman to stop her from talking about the 1982 disappearance of his wife Kathleen Durst.

The heir was suspected for being responsible for what happened to both women, but he is only being prosecuted in the Berman murder. Texas prosecutors previously went after him for the homicide of Morris Black, 71. They said he fatally shot the victim, then chopped up the body. At the time, Durst had allegedly been posing as a mute woman under the name Dorothy Ciner. Durst no-showed a bond hearing, but the manhunt ended after he was caught shoplifting a band-aid and sandwich in Pennsylvania, police said. Durst won an acquittal in 2015, however, after the defense told jurors this was in self-defense, and that the defendant chopped up the body amid an undiagnosed psychological malady.

The heir’s link to two murders and a disappearance was famously examined in the HBO documentary The Jinx. He was arrested for Berman’s murder the day before the last episode.

“What the hell did I do?” Durst said on the show, after bringing a live mic into a restroom. “Killed them all, of course.”

[Durst in 2016 via Hong-Pool\Getty Images]