Newly revealed correspondence between slain Boston mobster Whitey Bulger and a juror who convicted him showed Bulger discussing his support of President Donald Trump, among other things.

Bulger ended up becoming a pen pal to Janet Uhlar, a Massachusetts woman who served on the jury that convicted him in 2013 for murder and racketeering charges. Witnesses said that Bulger took naps after killing people, and made jokes while passing secret grave sites.

Uhlar said that while she believed Bulger was a killer, she felt that the government gave lenient deals to mobsters who testified against him. Uhlar said she wanted to hear Bulger’s side of the story. Bulger voiced skepticism when she reached out to him, but Uhlar eventually won him over. Bulger reportedly wrote her 75 letters over five years, in what was described as a very friendly correspondence.

Details included Bulger’s support for the president.

“I get some strange mail at times — a grandmother from Kansas — hates Trump wants him ‘impeached,'” Bulger wrote in a letter obtained by NBC News. “She assumes I hate him? Why Because I’m in prison?”

Bulger also expressed his dislike of Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the Russia investigation.

“Trump is experiencing what Mueller and company can orchestrate,” Bulger wrote. “[Mueller] should observe biblical saying – ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.'”

“Sorry to hear Trump is being boxed in by so many,” he added.

Bulger also signed off on POTUS’s bashing of the press.

“Trump is tough and fights back instead of bowing down to pressure — and caving in to press!” Bulger said in another letter. “U.S. agrees with him press attacking and his reaction increases his popularity — He has my vote so far.”

Bulger, 89, was slain in prison last year. Authorities said he was beaten to death in his cell.

[Image via US Marshals Service]