Things turned ugly as a “Jews for Trump” vehicle convoy made its way through New York City this weekend. As seen on video, a man threw objects at some of the vehicles. What he used is not immediately clear from the footage but has been described online as rocks. Chief Terence Monahan and Chief Rodney Harrison, of the New York Police Department, said in tweets Sunday that cops are investigating. Anyone with information was encouraged to call (800) 577-TIPS.

Violence from counterdemonstrators, and friction with other motorists marked the event, as indicated in footage.

Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani was actually caught up in the event, reportedly being spotted in the passenger side of a vehicle in Manhattan.

“I would love to have had a campaign commercial of it and put it on in the middle of America and say, ‘Who would you prefer for the next four years?” he told The New York Times. “This group of foul-mouthed people who don’t seem to have a vocabulary beyond three words, or these very nice Jewish people who are driving in the car and not saying anything back and not doing anything other than exercising their right to say they’re for Donald Trump.”

[Screengrab via @NYScanner]