A married former Arizona middle school teacher pleaded guilty on Monday to having a sexual relationship with one of her students. Brittany Zamora, 28, was accused of seducing a 13-year-old male student in lurid text messages and having sex with him on multiple occasions.

“I want you every day without limit,” Zamora wrote in series of text messages. “If I could quit my job and [censored] you all day long, I would.”

Police said this relationship resulted in at least four sexual encounters between February and March 2018. Two of those instances allegedly occurred in Zamora’s car after the teenager snuck out of his grandparents’ house after midnight–upon Zamora’s request. Another such instance was said to have occurred in Zamora’s classroom following a school talent show.

Cops even said there was an incident where the two fondled each other while unaware students watched a video.

The boy’s parents caught on to his newfound interest in privacy and installed a parental notification app on his phone that alerted them to two back-to-back text messages containing the word “baby.” The parents asked him who sent those messages. “My teacher,” he told them.

Students had gone to the principal to tell him that their teacher was in a “relationship” with one of her students and that the boy “doesn’t do any work and gets straight A’s.” Principal Tim Dickey determined that the evidence could only prove that the teacher favored the student but not there was anything illegal going on. A few weeks later, Dickey went to the police after the boy’s parents discovered sexts their son had exchanged with Zamora.

Zamora offered to resign in a phone call with the boy’s parents so that they would not call the police. “I don’t want to say stuff and have me recorded right now and bring this to court and have me go to jail for the rest of my life,” Zamora allegedly said during the phone call.

Zamora pleaded guilty to molestation of a child, sexual misconduct with a minor and public sexual indecency. Zamora’s sentencing is set for July; she faces at least 20 years in prison for the sexual misconduct charge. The victim’s family has also filed a civil lawsuit against Zamora, her husband and the Liberty Elementary School District, AZ Central reported.

Colin Kalmbacher contributed to this report. 

[Mugshot via Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office]