Ah, yes, New York City. The Big Apple. Home of the New York Yankees and the fightingest cabbies this side of the Hudson River. Cab driver Jenna Mallett, 25, allegedly attacked a man and woman in Midtown Manhattan, and in a rage, rammed her car into several other vehicles, according to The New York Daily News.

We pretty sure this puts her driver’s license in jeopardy.

Here’s footage of the incident from early on. A woman in a white shirt (identified as Mallett) gets into it with a man. The brawl spills from the driver’s side of a white SUV over onto the street.

A bystander with a black backpack peels away the guy, but the woman in white then takes a swing at another woman. The dames start fighting, and the first man eventually manages to escape the bystander’s grasp, and tackles the woman in white.

That’s crazy enough. Then came the proverbial escalation.

Things seem to calm down at first. Bystanders separate the parties. The couple returns to their vehicle. Meanwhile, the woman in white enters a yellow cab. Cue escalation. She appears to tap a UPS truck, sideswipes the white SUV, hits the vehicle again, then reverses into a parked sedan.

Police claim there were two kids in the back of the couple’s vehicle.

Mallett was identified as the woman, and charged with She was charged with reckless endangerment, assault, and criminal mischief. It’s unclear if she has an attorney at this time.

The man and woman face no charges.

[Screengrab via New York City Alerts]