It’s a Thursday, the day after July 4, so why not, let’s check in on what Carter Page is up to. You may remember him as the former Trump campaign advisor who was surveilled by the FBI. Oh, there he is playing word games with the meanings of the word “molest” in response to a Breitbart article about Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio).

Hat tip to former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti for spotting this one.

“Carter Page is equating the sexual assault of students to the DNC’s lawsuit against him. No, I’m not kidding,” Mariotti said. Page’s tweet, indeed, does what Mariotti described.

Page linked to a story about congressman Jordan, headlined “Law Firm for DNC, Clinton Campaign, Fusion GPS Will Question Jim Jordan on Ohio State Wrestling Team Scandal.” That firm is Perkins Coie LLP. Jordan is accused of knowing about alleged sexual abuse students on the Ohio State wrestling team suffered at the hands of Dr. Richard Strauss. Jordan has denied this.

Page then offered alternate meanings no one thinks of when the word “molest” is used.

“Definition of molest. 1: to annoy, disturb, or persecute, especially with hostile intent or injurious effects,” he tweeted. In keeping with this definition, Page attacked Perkins Coie LLP for molesting Jordan just as he was molested by Perkins Coie. The firm, as noted above, represented the DNC.

“Thanks @Jim_Jordan for bravely standing up against recent molestations that @PerkinsCoieLLP helped @DNC organize against Trump supporters like me,” he said.

The word molest does find its roots in Latin (molestare) and means something more along the lines of “to annoy someone,” but, needless to say, that’s no longer what the word is generally understood to mean, (e.g. a child molester is not merely a child annoyer, disturber or persecutor).

[Image via Drew Angerer/Getty Images]