Arizona’s top state law enforcement official wants Jacob Wohl to pay up.

Wohl, described invariably as a “blundering conservative operative,” a “right-wing provocateur,” a “conspiracy theorist, fraudster, and internet troll,” and a “[s]parkling-water enthusiast . . . simply unparalleled in the field of failed smear attempts,” owes $43,000 in fines, penalties, and restitution in case filed by the Arizona Corporation Commission. The Arizona attorney general’s office is now “actively pursuing collection efforts” against him, Salon reports. The fines were the result of a fraud ruling against Wohl.

“Mr. Wohl has not paid anything since the matter was sent to the Attorney General’s Office for collections,” a spokesperson for the Arizona Corporation Commission said in a written statement to Salon. “Given his indictment last year, I would venture that any available funds are going to pay his criminal defense counsel.”

Wohl is charged criminally in California for allegedly illegally selling securities. The cases, Salon reported, are connected.

Wohl has wildly accused Robert Mueller, Elizabeth Warren, and Dr. Anthony Fauci of sexual misconduct; the accusations were soundly debunked; at least one of the accusers said she was paid to lie.

According to documents reviewed by Law&Crime, Arizona authorities went after Wohl after investors who had trusted Wohl with their money after he claimed to be an investment manager.

According to documents reviewed by Law&Crime, Arizona authorities targeted Wohl because investors who had trusted Wohl with their money raised complaints. He had claimed to be an investment manager.

“[T]wo Arizona residents contacted Wohl and later invested in Wohl’s hedge fund, Wohl Capital Investment Group, LLC (“WCIG”), which traded with the investors’ money in exchange for management and performance fees,” an Arizona state document says. “Wohl obtained at least one of the investments by misrepresenting WCIG’s size and by representing that only 20% of the investment capital would be at risk. In January 2016, Wohl ceased WCIG’s operations and returned approximately 60% of the Arizona investors’ capital.”

The document further outlines the payments Wohl reportedly remains on the hook for not paying.

Wohl, through a since-suspended Twitter account, said this of the state agency which targeted him on charges of defrauding investors: “The Arizona Corporation Commission turned out to be a racketeering organization full of Angry Democrats!”

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[Image via screen capture from NBC News/YouTube.]