Warning: this article includes graphic language.

A racist video featuring white people has once again achieved an infamous measure of virality.

Two students from Northwest Guilford High School in Guilford County, North Carolina have been disciplined over the video and the Guilford County School system instituted a series of tolerance trainings in order to address the extreme racism on display.

As of yet unidentified, the two students go back and forth issuing various racist insults, resentments and slurs:

Fuckin’ lynch ’em all, man. Sit them in the back of a motherfuckin’ bus. Put them bitches back in the fields. Teach them a fuckin’ lesson. They need to stop being [n-words] and listening to their god, Snoop Dogg up there in the heavens and their little Jesus thing, XXXTinct or whatever the fuck his name is. They be riding Tupac’s dick harder than they’re riding Jesus’ dick. And then they wanna come out here and preach on us when they’re just acting like a bunch of hood rat [n-words]. Exactly. They be out here fuckin’ my wife, stealin’ my job, eatin’ my food stamps. These motherfuckers be out here doin’ a lot. Listen: we do not fuck with [n-words]. [N-words] do not want no smoke–so come at me, [n-words].

Guilford County Chief of Schools Tony Watlington categorized the duo’s rant as “very hateful speech” and addressed the controversy that erupted after the video went viral in comments to local CBS affiliate WFMY News.

“We’re working closely with our diversity office and National Conference for Community and Justice [NCCJ] to provide training for both staff and students so we can make sure all of our campus is a place people can feel comfortable and inclusive and that are harassment and discrimination free,” Watlington said.

Originally posted on November 22, the school district says that they were eventually made aware of the video over the Thanksgiving holiday and that NCCJ organizers met with select students and staff on Monday.

WFMY notes, however, that the tolerance trainings haven’t yet occurred at every school in the district.

“This is an ongoing process,” Watlington assured the outlet. “We’ve worked with NCCJ and the Diversity Office in the past, and events like this tell us we need to redouble our efforts and do even more.”

Watlington also outlined some concrete steps his department had already taken in response.

“The students have been appropriately disciplined according to our code of conduct.” Watlington noted. “We also believe that kids who make very bad choices can change and can make improvements and we think it’s the role of adults to help kids make those improvements.”

In a message responding to the original person who posted the racist video on Twitter, the school district took a slightly harsher tone against the two students.

“Guilford County Schools does not tolerate racist behavior,” the tweet reads. “Appropriate action has been taken to discipline the students involved. We’re working to reinforce our district’s core values, which include diversity and equity, as well as empathy and integrity.”

[Image via WFMY screengrab]

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