Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort no longer has an active law license in Connecticut, where a misconduct complaint had been filed against him. Manafort is no longer listed as an active attorney.

Manafort, who was convicted of eight bank and tax fraud felonies in August, remains jailed in solitary confinement. The Hartford Courant reports that Manafort has resigned his law license rather than face a disbarment hearing, waiving a right to be readmitted to the Connecticut bar.

Lawyers representing Manafort from the firm Ury & Moskow said that Manafort has never had a law office in Connecticut or been employed in one there. The name of the firm grabbed attention for obvious reasons.

“He has never maintained an office in Connecticut and is not employed by any law firm in Connecticut,” Frederic Ury and Anthony LaBella said in a statement. “Mr. Manafort has no clients in the state of Connecticut and he has no appearances of record before any state or federal court in this jurisdiction.”

J. Whitfield Larrabbee, the lawyer who complained about Manafort, acknowledged that it would have been a surprise if Manafort “showed up, testified and was cross examined.”

In recent days, Manafort has had to respond to accusations made by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Mueller said that Manafort “lied repeatedly” when questioned by investigators, in breach of his cooperation agreement. Mueller said one of those lies had to do with polling data Manafort shared with Russian Konstantin Kilimnik. He’s suspected of having ties to Russian intelligence.

Manafort’s attorneys maintained that there was no proof that he “intentionally lied” to investigators. They also mentioned their client’s failing mental and physical health.

“For several months Mr. Manafort has suffered from severe gout, at times confining him to a wheelchair. He also suffers from depression and anxiety and, due to the facility’s visitation regulations, has had very little contact with his family,” they continued. “Indeed, it is fair to say that mistakes and failed recollections are common to most proffer meetings between the Government and cooperating witnesses.”

[Image via Alexandria Detention Center]