White House counselor Kellyanne Conway‘s attorney husband George is taking his feud with President Donald Trump to the next level, offering a response to the president’s “Mr. Kellyanne Conway” comment.

Asked why Trump thought it was the “ultimate insult” to call a man “Mr. [Insert Wife’s Name Here],” Conway replied that it “isn’t” an insult, “except perhaps to the extremely juvenile and boorish.” Kellyanne apparently thinks it’s a “clever” name.

In any event, it’s better than being called “Individual-[],” George Conway said.

This is, of course, a reference to the Southern District of New York’s prosecutors dubbing Trump “Individual-1” in court filings having to do with Michael Cohen‘s campaign finance violations.

The Trump-George Conway feud has been ongoing, but over the last couple of days, the involved parties–whether President Trump, his 2020 campaign manager Brad Parscale or Conway–have ratcheted up the rhetoric. Conway, while perusing the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, basically diagnosed Trump with narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder. He also tweeted that Trump’s “condition is getting worse.

What followed were tweets from Parscale painting Conway as disgruntled and “jealous”; “POTUS doesn’t even know him!” he said.

Trump chimed in two days later to say Conway, who he does not know, is “often referred to as Mr. Kellyanne Conway by those who know him, is VERY jealous of his wife’s success.” He also called Conway a “stone cold LOSER & husband from hell!”

“I barely know him but just take a look,” Trump said.

Conway responded to this as mentioned above. Earlier Wednesday, Conway said Trump was a) “nuts” and b) “determined to prove [his] point.”

Recently, Conway spoke at a University of Georgetown Law Center event called “Challenges to the Rule of Law in America.” The event was put together by Georgetown Law’s Institute for Constitutional Advocacy & Protection (ICAP) and a group Conway started, called Checks and Balances.

Conway started Checks and Balances as a haven for conservative and libertarian lawyers alarmed by President Trump’s attacks on the rule of law. “We thought there was a little too much silence on the subject on the right side of the political spectrum,” he said. Conway took aim at Trump’s attacks on the Department of Justice, saying, “If people were to get indicted or not indicted on the basis of whether the president likes them, we wouldn’t have a republic, we would have a banana republic.”

[Image via Win McNamee/Getty Images]