CNN is “demanding better” of the Trump Administration after White House reporter Kaitlan Collins was “denied access” to a Wednesday event because of the questions she was asking about former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Here is what CNN said in the statement:

Today, CNN White House correspondent Kaitlan Collins was denied access to cover an open press event at the The White House. After posing questions to President Trump earlier in the day as the network pool reporter, Collins was told by White House deputy chief of staff for communications Bill Shine and press secretary Sarah Sanders that her questions were ‘inappropriate.’ They were not Just because the White House is uncomfortable with a question regarding the news of the day doesn’t mean the question isn’t relevant and shouldn’t be asked. This decision to bar a member of the press is retaliatory in nature and not indicative of an open and free press. We demand better.

Note that Bill Shine is making decisions about what is and isn’t appropriate.

CNN also listed questions Collins asked about Cohen that apparently incited the president’s ire.

Those questions included: “Did Michael Cohen betray you, Mr. President?”, “Are you worried about what Michael Cohen is about to say to the prosecutors?” and “Why is Vladimir Putin not accepting your invitation?”

Watch for yourself how Trump responded to the questioning.

CNN’s Jake Tapper called the response from Shine and Sanders “disgraceful.”

“Absolutely disgraceful behavior from @presssec and Shine. @kaitlancollins is a tough professional and had every right to ask about Cohen, about whom POTUS has repeatedly tweeted. WH press corps and media writ large needs to unite against this,” Tapper said.

Before CNN, Collins worked as White House correspondent for The Daily Caller.

[Image via Win McNamee/Getty Images]