Michael Lindell, CEO of MyPillow Inc., speaks during a campaign rally for President Donald Trump at the Duluth International Airport on September 30, 2020 in Duluth, Minnesota.

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, a fierce and devoted ally of President Donald Trump, was sent a demand letter earlier this month by attorneys representing Dominion Voting Systems. Dated January 8, the letter was only made public on Monday.

“You have positioned yourself as a prominent leader of the ongoing misinformation campaign,” the letter sent by Thomas A. Clare reads–referring to the conspiracy theory promoted by far-right defenders of the lame duck president that some voting vendors were part of an effort to steal the Trump vote and hand Joe Biden a win.

“Despite knowing your implausible attacks against Dominion have no basis in reality, you have participated in the vast and concerted misinformation campaign to slander Dominion,” the letter continues before warning later on. “Litigation regarding these issues is imminent.”

Lindell’s false claims about the voting machine vendor have been made repeatedly over the past few weeks via various forms of media.

“The biggest fraud is the Dominion machines,” Lindell told onetime Trump adviser Sebastian Gorka during a recent appearance on Newsmax’s Greg Kelly Reports. “At 11:15 on election night, our great president–”

Gorka, however, quickly cut Lindell off, saying that he didn’t want to get “into the minutiae” of the fraud conspiracy.

“This show is about courage,” Gorka deflected.

Newsmax recently aired an embarrassing and public volte-face regarding the details of that oft-alleged conspiracy theory after being threatened with defamation by Dominion’s competitor Smartmatic–another company which Trump’s allies in the legal world and media have accused of facilitating the never-proven electoral theft.

Still, Lindell stuck to his guns, despite being advised to exercise caution by the fill-in host.

“This is over six million votes that got flipped,” Lindell continued–calling Trump’s November loss to Biden “the biggest crime in history.”

The MyPillow founder and MAGAworld social media favorite has also attacked Dominion by way of Twitter.

“Your smear campaign against Dominion has been relentless, and you have leveraged your significant social media following to inflict the maximum amount of damage to Dominion’s good name and business operations,” the demand letter notes. “On numerous occasions you quote-tweeted facially unreliable and discredited falsehoods about Dominion while giving empty assurances that you would come forward with overwhelming proof of the company’s wrongdoing.”

That proof never materialized, of course, but Lindell continued to spread already-disproved fraud accusations, Dominion’s lawyers said.

“Our last letter informed you that Dominion was prepared to initiate legal action to set the record straight and vindicate its reputation,” the letter concluded. “This morning Dominion filed a defamation lawsuit against Sidney Powell. We are sending you hardcopies of the complaint and exhibits under separate cover so that there is absolutely no doubt at a future date about what was known to you at this juncture.”

Dominion’s attorneys have been particularly litigious since Powell and her fellow travelers began accusing Dominion of taking part in the vast conspiracy that allegedly goes so far as to include long-dead Venezuelan former president Hugo Chavez.

And, as Law&Crime previously reported, legal experts believe that at least some of those defamation claims have some real heft and bite to them.

Lindell was spotted at the White House just days ago carrying notes, which keen eyes observed had the words “martial law if necessary” on them.

Lindell responded to the Dominion letter by saying he wants them to “put up their lawsuit.”

Read the full demand letter below:

[image via Stephen Maturen/Getty Images]